On this page, we will explain all the endpoints that will let you manage Orders in our system. An Order in our system consists of the action of delivering a parcel from the store to your end consumers.

On this section of the documentation we will explain you everything about Orders in our system. An Order in our system stands for a single shipment. This shipment contains all the information from pick-up address and drop-off address to information related to the parcel and it's planned timeframe.

The Order body parameters are:

externalIdstringId that is unique in your system and identifies the order ID or so called order number. This will be used by our riders to identify which orders the rider needs to pick-up at the store.
dropoffobjectObject containing all the necessary information of the order drop-off location.
dropoff - addressstringThis is the address and house number of the street where the Order needs to be dropped off. This string is the Streetname, housenumber and addition.
dropoff - citystringThis is the name of the city where the Order needs to be dropped-off.
dropoff - countrystringThe country of the Orders drop-off location.
dropoff - emailstringThis is the email address of the receiver of the Order to send communication like track and trace email to.
dropoff - namestringThe name of the receiver of the Order.
dropoff - zipcodestringThe 6 digit postal code that is connected to the address string to set the location where the Order needs to be dropped off.
dropoff - phonenumberstringThe phone number of the receiver of the Order.

Note: The regexp for the phone number can only contain: /^+?\d{6,15}$/
pickupobjectObject containing all the necessary information of the order pickup location. This field is not required if storeId field is provided.
pickup - addressstringThis is the address and house number of the street where the Order needs to be picked up. This string is the Streetname, housenumber and addition.
pickup - citystringThis is the name of the city where the Order needs to be picked up.
pickup - countrystringThe country of the Orders pick-up location.
pickup - emailstringThis is the email address of the sender of the Order to send communication like track and trace email to if applicable.
pickup - namestringThe name of the sender of the Order.
pickup - zipcodestringThe 6 digit postal code that is connected to the address string to set the location where the Order needs to be picked up.
pickup - phonenumberstringThis is the phone number from the person our riders will call if any problem arises.

Note: The regexp for the phone number can only contain: /^+?\d{6,15}$/
storeIdstringUnique identifier of the store created in the Packaly Dashboard. You can extract the id of all your company stores using the Get Stores endpoint. This field is not required if the pickup field is provided.
scheduledStartTimedateTimestamp indication the start time of a scheduled order. The timestamp needs to be a string in ISO 8601 format in UTC.

NOTE: If this field is not provided the order will be created as an on-demand order.
packagesarray of objectsThe Array containing all the packages that will be delivered within the order. Minimum of one package is required.
packages - heightobject - int32Height of the package in CM
packages - lengthobject - int32Length of the package in CM
packages - widthobject - int32Width of the package in CM
packages - weightobject - int32Weight of the package in grams
sourceMetadataobjectObject container for metadata of the order.
barCodestringString containing the barcode that will be scanned by the rider at pick-up and drop-off for security reasons. (BETA)
notesobjectThis object can be used to fill in a note on the delivery.

In the above table you will find all the information to create an Order.


Make sure to format the phone number correctly

Our phone number format is created with a certain regexp. These are the values that are allowed: /^+?\d{6,15}$/